wdef_tools - Collection of tools to work with Wdef files. Repository: https://git.choffet.net/?p=wdef_tools.git These tools are designed to work on valid Wdef files (see this repository for more information: https://git.choffet.net/?p=wdef_schemas.git ). Behavior when applying on non-compliant file is undefined. Runtime dependencies are: - Bash - https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/ Shell script interpreter - Wikibase-cli - https://github.com/maxlath/wikibase-cli Interface to Wikidata operations - Xmlstarlet - http://xmlstar.sourceforge.net/ XSD and XSLT processor Description of the provided tools: - scripts/cache_rdf.sh Ensure a Wikidata's RDF element is available in local cache, return its path. - scripts/get_qid_from_property.sh Search Wikidata elements based on a value, return its QID when found. - xslts/canonicalize.xslt Return a wdef under its normal form. - xslts/merge_rdf.xslt Read a Wikidata RDF and remove already known values in a wdef file. - xslts/remove_labels_descriptions.xslt Return a wdef with labels and description removed for a given element. - xslts/replace_id.xslt Change the wdef:id of an element and its references.