wmo_to_wikidata - Import World Meteorological Organization weather stations metadata into Wikidata. Repository: https://git.choffet.net/?p=wmo_to_wikidata.git This repository contains a set of scripts that download, clean, verify, compare WMO stations metadata before importing it into Wikidata as needed. The original source code in this repository is sponsored by Wkimedia Canada. The following tools are required as dependencies - they should be available prepackaged for most GNU/Linux distros. - Bash - https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/ Shell script interpreter - Curl - https://curl.se/ Download WMO data. - Xmlstarlet - http://xmlstar.sourceforge.net/ XSD and XSLT processor. - Yq - https://kislyuk.github.io/yq/ Jq wrapper to convert WMO JSON into XML. The repositories contains the following tools: - update.sh Ensure WMO stations cache is up to date, convert original JSON into XML, clean, validate data and generate a new valid WDEF file.